October 11, 2012


October 8, 2012

Yesterday I ran the Lakefront Marathon. It was another "didn't really train" marathon; I hate marathon training, but I love the marathon race itself.  My highest mileage was a half marathon at the end of August, and after that, it was a mere 8 miles on 9/30. Plus, with a new job, I really didn't have the time to train, so I really did have a legit excuse this year.

I won't say it wasn't difficult because it certainly was. Between mile 19 and 20 I was asking myself what the hell I was doing. Luckily, my cheering squad showed up (Scott and Addie) and I was passed off 600mg of ibuprofen. That got me through the last 6.2 miles...or should I say the last 6.69 miles because that's what my watch read: 26.69 miles....I ate an extra handful of Reeses Pieces for that.

One of the best things about this year's marathon was the medal. It is big and beefy, the best medal I've ever received. It's awesome.

I also have to mention that my nephew, Zach, ran this marathon as well. It was his first (hopefully not his last) and he finished with about the same amount of training as I had ....maybe even a little less.  He's a hurtin' unit today, I'm sure, but the pride of having finished always outweighs the pain.